Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The professor has the discretion to identify an appropriate testing space, near the classroom, that allows for the indicated accommodation(s).
If it is not possible for the professor to arrange a location near the classroom:
- The student may take the exam in the Testing and Assessment Center, Building 19/238, (413-755-4709) during the regular class time, or a pre-approved time within the hours allowed by the testing center. The professor should submit the exam to the testing center (disabilitytesting@ejly.net) prior to the exam time. The student arrives at the Testing and Assessment Center (no reservation required) and meets with testing center staff to request their exam and use of the distraction-reduced testing space.
- The student may take the exam in ODS if approved by their ODS counselor, and their accommodations warrant the need for accommodations/assistive technology not available through the testing center. The student should contact ODS (413-755-4785) two days prior to their scheduled test date; professors should submit exams to disabilitytesting@ejly.net.
Student Responsibilities
Contact all instructors (for both on-campus and online classes) and discuss exam arrangements and necessary accommodations prior to, or as early as possible in the semester.
Notify ODS immediately if the agreed upon accommodations are not being implemented.